Experience Advanced Drilling Technology with Our New Boring Tool
To expand our current working options and procedures we have purchased a pneumatic pipe ramming road/ditch boring tool, complete with compressor, which will enable us to bore underneath public roads and ditches economically and efficiently. Whatever direction you require this new tool can handle it, from conventional horizontal pipe ramming to vertical pile driving and angled applications. The pneumatic pipe ramming tool is used for the trenchless installation of pipe through a wide variety of soil types, without any rise or fall in the ground’s surface, powered by compressed air. During the pipe ramming process however, boulders and rocks as large as the casing itself are “swallowed up” as the casing moves through. After installation is complete, spoils inside the pipe are forced out with compressed air.
The tool enables the boring to be accurate, avoiding cables/fibre optics with different boring heads for different types of soil and can be set at the required depth and is easily transportable. It is cost efficient as it can greatly reduce the amount of pipe required and prevents pipes being prone to frost damage or corrosion, which could cause them to split and contaminate the water in the ditch and crops.
Current legislation and guidelines are that no roads can be dug up, for this process, and that all cabling/pipework is to go underneath the highway by thrust boring method.
We are now able to offer a complete project installation instead of sub-contracting the work out, allowing us to be more efficient, keeping everything more local and helping us on our path to net zero by reducing our carbon footprint.
We have been able to purchase this new boring tool with funding through the New Anglia Small Grant Scheme, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.